New and improved graphics that is beyond realistic is coming soon to our Adventurers.


Black Desert have received a lot of praise not just for its gameplay, music & audio, but also for its graphics.
Black Desert continues receive positive reviews on its graphics since its launch up to this day.
However, new advancements in graphics and technological have appeared and are replacing the old.
To keep up with the changing environment,
we decided to improve the graphics and make tweaks to the game mechanics to further enhance gameplay experience.
We invite all Adventurers to join this exciting journey with us!


Physically based rendering and post processing, HDR rendering and ocean rendering, Cloth simulation and optimization,
and improvements to minute details in the environment.

- Physically based rendering
- Physically based lighting
- Physically based atmospheric scattering
- Cloth simulation

- Improved post processing with YEBIS
- Improved ocean rendering

- Improved screen space reflection
- Improved ambient occlusion
- Optimization

- Volumetric cloud
- HDR rendering

What are the recommended system requirements after the remastering?

The remastered graphic is an additional graphic setting you can choose.
If you would like to play with the new graphics, you can simply select it in the game settings.
As for system requirements, it is more demanding than the previous “Very High” setting.
However, you should be able to maintain a 60 FPS most of the time using the recommended requirements.

Additionally, a video recording feature was added to create an even more dramatic effect.
Please note that this setting has a fairly high system requirement.

BI Change

To mark the Remaster Update,
the Black Desert logo was also polished.

What’s Next?

The drive to improve Black Desert never ends.
We will continue to refine the technology that powers Black Desert.

  • - Temporal upsampling
  • - Improved shadow rendering
  • - HDR display
  • - Dynamic resolution

The list above are topics that have been coming up recently.
We will work on them to match the increasing demands from our users.
Black Desert will continue to work hard and improve.
